A Note from Dr. Miliane for #GivingTuesday2022

Image © Nadia Todres
Dr. Miliane Clermont, Deputy Director General of St. Boniface Hospital, wrote this note for supporters like you. Below, we have provided an English translation of the note as well as the original Haitian Creole.
- Conor Shapiro, President and CEO, HEI/SBH
Dear Friends:
I want to say a huge Thank You for everything you did for St. Boniface Hospital during this difficult year.
There are times when we Haitians are unsure whether or not others care about our problems. But then we remember we have friends all around the world, like you, and we realize we are not alone. You are walking alongside us.
I have spent nearly my entire career at SBH because there is no other place like it. The short video above shows why.
Every day, I get to work with a team of health care professionals who put their whole hearts into providing essential care—and hope—for our patients. In Haiti, we say, “Lespwa fè viv.” Hope brings life.
And it is thanks to supporters like you that we are lucky enough to do this work.
During this #GivingTuesday, I hope you will continue to support us.
Thank you for your solidarity.
In collaboration,
Dr. Miliane Clermont
Deputy Director General
Health Equity International/St. Boniface Hospital
Mwen vle di ou yon gwo gwo Mèsi pou tout sa ou fè pou lopital Sen Bonifas pandan ane difisil sa a.
Gen de lè nou menm, Ayisyen/Ayisyèn, nou pa konnen si lòt moun okouran de pwoblèm nou. Men depi nou sonje nou gen zanmi lòtbo dlo, tankou ou menm, nou konstate nou pa pou kont nou. Ou ap fè wout ansanm avè nou.
M pase prèske tout karyè mwen nan HSB paske pa gen lòt lopital konsa. Ti videyo sa ap montre w poukisa.
Chak jou, m gen chans travay avèk yon ekip pwofesyonèl lasante ki mete tout kè yo pou bay pasyan yo swen sante esensyèl - avèk espwa. Nou konnen lespwa fè viv.
Epi se gras a sipòtè tankou ou menm ke nou gen chans fè travay sa a.
Pandan jounen #GivingTuesday sa a, m swete ou ap toujou kontinye sipote lopital Sen Bonifas.
Mèsi pou solidarite ou.
Avek tout kolaborasyon nou,
Dr. Miliane Clermont
Deputy Director General
Health Equity International/St. Boniface Hospital