Responding to the August 14 Earthquake

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southern Haiti this morning at 8:29. AM. 

We are grateful that SBH has not sustained any significant damage, and our staff and patients are safe. However, the surrounding area has been devastated: the streets are full of rubble from fallen buildings, and people are desperately trying to dig loved ones out from under the debris. 

Our team is leading the coordination of care for injured patients across the south and providing emergency care for surivors. We will continue to keep you updated on this rapidly developing situation. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has contacted us and shown their support. 

If you are able to support our earthquake relief efforts, you can make a donation by clicking here.

Your gift, of any size, will help us care for earthquake survivors and ensure SBH can stay fully operational as we continue to manage COVID-19 and every patient in need. 

For media inquiries, please contact Conor Shapiro at