Our Impact

HEI’s impact is measured in lives saved, families that thrive, and communities that become stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.

St. Boniface Hospital 2023 By the Numbers

Our clinicians cared for more patients than ever before in 2023. Amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Haiti, our patients trusted us to provide the urgent, life-saving care they needed.

A simple graphic icon of a tall, medium, and small person in solid blue.


Outpatient Visits

a simple graphic icon of a hospital consisting of one large building with a cross on it and two smaller buildings on either side. The icon is solid dark blue.


Inpatient Admissions

A simple graphic icon of a baby carriage in solid dark blue.



A simple graphic icon of an adult figure leaning over a small table to care for a baby figure. The icon is solid dark blue.


NICU Admissions

A simple graphic icon of an IV bag on a pole in dark blue.



In a large exam room, one Haitian woman gives another a shot. Both wear face masks and have their hair pulled back. The nurse wears scrubs with pink hearts on them and the patient wears a brightly striped sleeveless top.
A Haitian man sits in a wheelchair. He wears a yellow tank top and blue shorts. He holds a wrist weight in his cupped hands. A Haitian nurse sits next to him, she is wearing blue scrubs and is adjusting one of the wrist weights. They smile and laugh to each other.

Photo © Nadia Todres

A simple graphic icon of a medical syringe with a bottle of medicine in solid dark blue


Childhood vaccinations administered

A simple graphic icon of a stethoscope in solid dark blue


Young Medical Professionals Trained

A simple graphic icon of a heart with a heartbeat wave in the middle of it in solid dark blue


Prental visits

A Haitian woman doctor with a stethoscope smiles at an active baby on the table in front of her. A light-skinned Haitian woman sits close by.
A Haitian woman shirt smiles in a doorway. She is shown from the shoulders up and wears a white t-shirt and a yellow cardigan. Her hair is braided.

Photo © Nadia Todres