
Cutting-edge Technology in the Operating Room

When Mona, a 45-year-old trader from Miragoâne, needed urgent medical care, she knew just where to go: St. Boniface Hospital in Fond des Blancs.

HEI/SBH had established a permanent orthopedic surgery program in the wake of the devastating 2021 earthquake. The program, led by Dr. Schiller Alexandre, provides not only emergency surgery for traumatic injuries but also all of the follow-up care that patients need, free of charge.

What Mona didn’t know was that she would be one of the first patients to benefit from a newly-donated imaging device. This device, called a C-arm, gives the operating team a live X-ray view of the surgical site. Dr. Alexandre reports, “The C-arm has had a positive impact on the quality of the orthopedic procedures we perform. It allows us to have better precision in the reconstruction of bone injuries.”

“This device represents cutting-edge technology delivered to the heart of a dynamic and motivated team.”

- Dr. Alexandre, Orthopedic Surgeon

Portrait of a Haitian woman smiling gratefully at the camera. She wears a green head wrap, a white knit shirt, and a large gold cross.

Mona told us her story in these words:

“While I was in Fonds-des-Nègres to buy produce for trading, a vehicle ran over my foot. I had to go to the ER in Fond des Blancs so as not to lose my foot. When I arrived, the doctor had me do all the tests and imaging and then took me into the operating room. He put metal in my foot so the bones could knit together well.

“I had to stop all my activities so as not to put stress on my foot, and come back for [this] follow-up appointment [three months later] to remove the metal.

“But I’m happy that today the doctor removed the metal and I’ve been assured that in a week I will be able to resume my activities. I say a special thanks to Dr. Alexandre and to all of the donors to this program.”

Two Haitian clinicians in blue scrubs and medical gloves examine the bandaged foot of a Haitian woman sitting on a hospital bed.

Dr. Alexandre checks Mona’s foot at her follow-up appointment.