“I never tire of providing care, so that mothers can experience the joy of holding a healthy baby again.”
Your donation will help Nurse Pascale save lives in our NICU.

Saint-Clemise, from Petit Goâve, Haiti, has been taking care of her granddaughter Princess after the baby’s mother passed away. By the time Princess was nine months old, Saint-Clemise noticed that “her legs were swollen, her belly was big, her whole body was peeling, her hair began to turn red, and she wasn’t breathing well.”
Saint-Clemise continues, “I had to run to Villa [Clinic] with her. The Villa ambulance brought me to the hospital [where] they received me at the emergency room and began caring for Princess. They had to put her on oxygen and insert a feeding tube. I spent two days at the ER and then they sent me to pediatrics.”
Dr. Florvil, from our pediatrics department, explains that Princess was diagnosed with malnutrition and a yeast infection of the skin. She spent over a month at the hospital before she was well enough to progress to the last phase of treatment. Now our community health team monitors and cares for Princess as an outpatient.
“I am happy because Princess eats, she has been healed of her illnesses, and she is starting to play. I am happy to return home with her,” says her grandmother.
Your donation will help Nurse Pascale save lives in our NICU.