
"Morning, noon, and night, I always saw the children being cared for."

We recently interviewed a woman named Nanoune, who brought her two children to SBH for care. Below is her story, in her own words.

My name is Nanoune. I am 33 years old and I am from Aquin [a city on the coast of Haiti’s southern peninsula, approximately one hour from St. Boniface Hospital by car.] I have twins, a boy and a girl, who were born at St. Boniface Hospital. The girl is named Roudline and the boy is named Roudler.  They are now six months old.

Recently, Roudline and Roudler both became ill with diarrhea and vomiting. Because I knew about St. Boniface Hospital, I wanted to bring them here.

I always saw the children being cared for and I say thank you to the hospital for helping me and my children… I believe God will protect the doctors and nurses at St. Boniface Hospital.


It was very difficult for me to travel to the hospital because I didn’t have anyone to help me. My husband is not in Haiti, so I had to travel alone. There was much traffic between Aquin to the road to the hospital. I had to wrap them both in the same towel so I could carry them. When I got to the dirt road, I had to take a motorbike to Fond des Blancs. It was very difficult to get on a motorbike with my babies. Someone helped me and held one of the babies on the moto, while I carried the other.

When I got to the hospital they received me in the emergency room and started taking care of them right away. My children were transferred to the pediatric unit, where they spent 15 days. Roudline had become malnourished, and Roudler had respiratory problems and pneumonia. After all the care the doctors and nurses have given them, they are doing better now.

When they were sick, they didn’t play. Now they play and eat. They don’t have diarrhea anymore. I am really happy about the care they received. Morning, noon, and night, I always saw the children being cared for and I say thank you to the hospital for helping me and my children. I hope the hospital can continue to provide free care. I believe God will protect the doctors and nurses at St. Boniface Hospital.