Emergency Response to a Deadly Explosion

You may have heard about the fuel tanker explosion in Miragoâne, Haiti that killed over 20 people and injured dozens more. This catastrophic accident, which took place just twenty miles from our hospital, was widely reported on international news services, including the BBC.  

I wanted to let you know that St. Boniface Hospital (SBH) is at the forefront of the emergency response. The moment we learned about the accident, our extraordinary team sprang into action: preparing space for the injured, setting up triage areas, and pulling wound care supplies and medications from our warehouse stock. Within hours, we were caring for 24 patients, most with burns covering 50% or more of their bodies.

I could not be more proud of the way every single one of our SBH staff has rushed in to help. Doctors, nurses, social workers, cleaners, ambulance drivers, and a myriad of support staff immediately began working together to stabilize the survivors, soothe their pain, and support their family members.

As an integral part of our ongoing emergency response, we are coordinating closely with Haiti’s Ministry of Health to safely transfer some patients to a specialized burn center, even as our highly skilled staff continue to care for others at St. Boniface Hospital.

On behalf of all our patients and our heroic staff, thank you for your solidarity and support as we continue to respond to this horrific disaster.

Kenbe fèm,

Conor Shapiro

President and CEO
Health Equity International