
Happy to Have Options

Natalie is 35 years old and lives in La Colline d’Aquin, a village approximately one hour by car from St. Boniface Hospital. Two years ago, Natalie came to our family planning clinic for the first time to discuss the options available to her. She and her husband have three children and wanted to begin using birth control to prevent future pregnancies.

“One thing I like about St. Boniface Hospital’s family planning program,” Natalie tells us, “is the way they talk to you and explain all kinds of plans you can take. I was very happy the first time I came. I found a nurse who welcomed me and provided support and encouragement.”

Natalie decided that a birth control injection was right for her. She has been returning to the hospital every three months to get the shot, even though the trip is not always easy. The road between La Colline and Fond des Blancs is steep, rocky, and especially difficult when it rains. “But, I always find a way to come so as not to miss my appointment,” Natalie says.

Natalie has also become a big advocate for the family planning program in her community. She says, “I always encourage women to come to St. Boniface because it will help them and their families.” Reflecting on her own experience, she adds, “The birth control and family planning program helps me a lot with my family. It helps us live with what we have and plan for the future.