Treating Baby Princess like a Queen

“My prayers extend to all children.”
Wedline traveled to St. Boniface Hospital from Carrefour, in metropolitan Port-au-Prince, when she went into labor early. Her baby Princess weighed just 3 pounds at birth. This is Wedline’s story, in her own words.
My baby is in the NICU at St. Boniface Hospital and her name is Princess Tiara. She was very small, and at first, it was a frightening and unfamiliar experience for me.
Later, I stopped being afraid because every time I came to visit, they provided me with updates. It took me a while to see it for myself, but they assured me that progress was being made. The staff here respects me and takes proper care of me. They keep me informed. When I call, they tell me, “The baby is doing fine. Let me check again for you.” When it comes to receiving care, it is 100%.
The culture here is very different from that of other hospitals. This type of service is not available anywhere else. You see, in many other hospitals, you are the one responsible for watching your baby even though you paid for the service. It is different here. Here, the doctors are available day and night, for weeks and for months.
[My] baby is doing well. Her breathing is the only issue that has not yet been resolved. She does not take any medications, except for vitamins.
I would like to express my gratitude to those who founded the hospital, those who manage the various departments, all the doctors and nurses, and the people who clean. It is possible that germs could have caused my child an infection if they did not sanitize. Everything has been excellent.