
Accessible Care for Mother and Baby

Samora is 31 years old and comes from Maniche, Haiti. She and her baby received critical care both at our mobile clinic in Maniche and at SBH. Below, she shares her experience.

Eight months into my pregnancy, I didn’t feel well at all. A friend came to tell me that a group of doctors were coming to provide care in the locality where I live. I didn’t hesitate—I rushed over. When I arrived, due to the shape I was in, they took care of me before anyone else. My water broke and the doctor got in touch with [SBH] to come pick me up.

A Haitian woman sits outside in a wooden chair near a large tree trunk. She holds her infant son in her lap. He wears blue shorts and a plaid button down-shirt. He is sleeping. The woman wears a black hair bonnet and a sleeveless black dress. She has a bright smile.

Samora is thrilled that she and Lensky are happy, healthy, and home together.

I had not planned to go to a hospital because I didn’t have the means to pay for [transportation], fees, and medicine. That day, if I had not gone to the hospital, I would have died along with my child.

The birth went well but my baby was born pre-term. He was so small I thought he would die. I took him [back to the mobile clinic] regularly and followed everything the doctors told me. [Two months later] I was shocked to see how well he was progressing.

Lensky is six months old now and I am so happy with how he is doing. He eats, he plays, he sleeps.